Sunday, February 24, 2008

Traditional Arts in Bandung

Bandung has many traditional arts which make it is known not only as a 'shopping city' but also an art city. Some of those are tari jaipong, angklung, rampak kendang, kacapi suling, and wayang golek. Tari jaipong is a dance that shows joy and simplicity of past people. Jaipong can be danced by one or several dancer. The melody from music instruments like rebab, kendang, and goong gives the rythm of Jaipong.
Angklung is also a music instrument. It is played by a number of people. Angklung is made from bamboo stem which designed with a international gamut (do-re-mi) and Sundanese gamut (daminatilada). Bandung has an angklung art center, it is Saung Angklung Udjo, belongs to Mr.Udjo. Tourists can often watch the beautiful perfomaces of angklung there.
Not only angklung has an interesting performance to watch, but also rampak kendang. Rampak kendang shows joy and cheer in every its performances. It is played by four until seven kendang player and also accompanied by the music from traditional music instruments, such as bonang, saron, and goong.
Different from rampak kendang, kacapi suling brings a calm, pleasant atmosphere as a result from soft melody by kacapi and suling. Kacapi has strings while suling has holes to create to create its melody. The last but not least, wayang golek. It is somekind of a doll play. The dolls (which is 'wayang' means) are created from wood. They are painted, given clothes and hair like human. Cepot is well-known figure in wayang golek, it is a red-faced with a funny teeth doll. Wayang golek often tells Sundanese folklore, but sometimes about recently issue also.
There are so many traditional arts in Bandung, West Java, my lovely hometown, to be loved because they are unique, historic, and--of course--beautiful. With all the traditional arts that is has, Bandung can be called one of the richest city with its traditional arts in Indonesia.

task 1
hawa firdausi. 16107072.

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