Saturday, May 10, 2008
Determining the Right Retiring Age
The jobs which require prime physical condition should have an earlier retirement age. Blue collar jobs such as brick layer, miner, athlete, and porter are some jobs that need early retirement. Those jobs take a lot of stamina, and therefore, doing those jobs in old age has the risk of deteriorating one’s health. The risk of injury and accident is also increased along with the growth of worker’s age. Mohammad Ali for example, suffers Parkinson’s disease after retiring. Parkinson is one of age-related diseases (, but the doctors suspected that Ali’s got too much impact in his head while boxing. So, it is understandable, that jobs like Mohammad Ali’s should have an earlier retirement age.
However, many countries still have the same retirement age for every job. Singapore for example, has set the regulation of workers’ retirement age at 62 (Anon. Many countries other than Singapore have set the same retirement age.
But, there are some jobs which require experience and charisma, which should have a late retirement age. The best example of this kind of job is politician, CEO, and senior doctors. They may not have the best physical condition, but their experience, wisdom, and charisma are needed by the new cadets to be set for example, or for the people led by him/her to get a dependable figure. One may replace their position with a better physical condition, but maybe not with better, even the same experience and skill. The minimum age for a president in United States is 35 ( ). John McCain, the republican candidate for president of United States, is 72 at age. It proves that some jobs need a late retirement age.
In conclusion, the ideal retirement age differs from one job to another. Each job has its own physical and intellectual requirements. Some jobs need high level of stamina, while others need charisma and intelligence. These factors should be considered to determine the ideal retirement age.
Parkinson [Online Article] : Retrieved May 3, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Singapore’s retirement age [ Online Article] : Retrieved May 3, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
US’ minimum president age [Online Article]: Retrieved May 3, 2008 from the World Wide Web: ( )
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Classical Jazz Eternity
We all know that music has many types, or we may call it genres. A music genre (or sub-genre) could be defined by the techniques, the styles, the context and the themes (content, spirit). Ge origin is sometimes used to define the music genre, though a single geographical category will normally include a wide variety of sub-genres. Every genre has its own specialities. It’s not only from the sound-type which is produced or the artist’s style, but also the class of the genre itself. We may like it or not, but there are certain kind of stereotypes about kinds of people who can listen to a specific genre while the others can’t. For example, when you’re among the socialite people, maybe you’ll feel unclassy or even unintelligent if you tell those people that you’re so into punk.
In many genres, there are 2 main special genres that has never ending stories, classical and jazz music. Classical music is probably more familiar than we might at first imagine. Indeed, nowadays it is all around us, whether it be in restaurants, supermarkets, lifts, for advertising or as theme and incidental music on television. A great deal of film music either directly uses or draws from the 'classical' tradition. Classical music can also take on the form of the concerto, symphony, opera, dance music, suite, etude, symphonic poem, and others.
But it can be understood that not everyone in this world love classical music, and not everybody can understand how beautiful it is. Classical composers often aspire to imbue their music with a very complex relationship between its affective (emotional) content and the intellectual means by which it is achieved. Many of the most esteemed works of classical music make use of musical development the process by which a musical germ, idea or motif is repeated in different contexts or in altered form. Along with a certain desire for composers to attain high technical achievement in writing their music, performers of classical music are faced with similar goals of technical mastery. As demonstrated by the proportionately high amount of schooling and private study most successful classical musicians have had when compared to popular genre musicians, and the large number of secondary schools, including the conservatories, dedicated to the study of classical music. The only other genre in the Western world with comparable secondary education opportunities is jazz.
Jazz is quite complicated actually. But it has several differences in express the music. Sometimes the classical player has a problem in how they can express their style. It is different with jazz that aim the player that they should express their expression all out. Today, Jazz music is played, studied and taught at private and public institutions around the globe. However, as lower budgets force public schools to cut back, private lessons will not only supplement the school, but may eventually replace it in many areas. This is especially true for Jazz education.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Perfect Time to Retire
According to Wikipedia, online dictionary, retirement is the point where the person stops employment completely. This usually happens upon reaching a determined age, when physical conditions don't allow the person to work anymore (by illness or accident), their kind of job or even for personal choice (usually in the presence of an adequate pension or personal savings). Because of all those reasons above, the retirement age of people is different one to another.
Good Old TV.
Television had been a big part of almost everybody’s life for the past decades; nearly all households own a television for entertainment or informational purposes. There are many opinions about the negative effects of television’s existence in family life, but television could be harmless and improve (both the quality and quantity) the communications among the family members. It all depends on the way the people use the television.
Television does consume time, but it could be positive depends on the situation. When the television is watched together by the family, it adds more quality time for the family. People usually chat with their fellow audience when watching television. In this particular situation television acts as a family unifying media.
Television enriches the communication among family members by supplying information from the outside world. Educational and informational channels are giving the audience information faster than any newspaper or magazine can do, and the information is more diverse. This information given by the television provides excellent topics for conversation with family members.
arkasha 16107071.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Television Effects
Back then, in our country, Indonesia, people knows almost everybody who lives in their neighborhood. They’re supporting each other, and helping each other. Peoples relationship is closed one to another. Indonesian even have their own words for that, such as “tenggang rasa” and “gotong royong”. In english, we can describe it as fraternity. It’s a very beautiful way of living. Awfully, people is sort of losing this kind of habit now, and television is believed as one of the most responsible in this case.
Television channels is responsible to make social relationships less interesting compared to watching them. There is less of talking among family members. Although people can watch television together, it is usually just happen a little chat between them. Usually, there is not much interaction happen. Many of the programs is produced by the country that have a very different culture with the viewers, and people from every level of age can watch. Sometimes it brings bad effect. It means, television provide people with not only information they need, but also they don’t. It flows away the time unconsciously, so people don’t have enough time to socialize. And it leads peoples relationship to become widened one and another.
Beside of social, television also affect people in personal. The information technology is developing so fast, but human physical ability and endurance is not. Before the era of information technology, children have needs to go out and play games outside the house with friends. The playing activity gives good effect to the children. It involves more physical movement, which is healthy. But now, children rarely move out of their homes. So they are not only losing crucial interaction with the friends of their age, but also the physical exercise that they gain from the games. The result, you often find many child obese and having health problems. In many other case, it also happen to adults. People’s lifestyle is getting more and more unhealthy.
Although there are some things that have to be regretted, it is basically impossible to get rid of television from peoples live. Peoples have huge needs of information. What people can do is minimize the negative effect with their proper self-control. More exercise and outdoor activity have to be done in the spare-time. And also, most important, it must be reassured that social aspect of human lives is precious, and not to be forgotten.
Roos Haikal Ramadhan. 16107013
Child Labor
Despite their young age and undeveloped mind, child is also a human. They have rights to live as what they want, what they need, appropriately, although still under the adults supervision. In my opinion, it’s not a problem if the children works because of their own will. As long as the parents can keep them educated, eventhough they can’t afford to pay school. If both of of it, experience and education, succesfully accomplished, there is a big chance that the children will grow up and become productive adults and live longer, healthier, and wealthier lives.
Roos Haikal Ramadhan. 16107013
Roos Haikal Ramadhan. 16107013
When is the Right Time for Us to Retire?
influential for the retirement age.
Firstly, the type of the job very related with employee productivity period. Certain jobs, the most dangerous or fatiguing ones in particular, such as firefighters, police officers, etc, have an earlier retirement age. But actually the case is the longer someone has dedicated to his/ her job, the more experiments he/ she get, and the more professional he/ she will be. Many professions have mandatory retirement ages for example: pilots, military, education, and other professions. Education professions; many are required to retire at 60 or 65. Although these educators are fully capable of working in the areas of their expertise, they are forced into mandatory retirement (Rincon. 2007). Many politicians, scientists, lawyers, television anchors, and professors still work well into their 70s, however some actors, models, athletes, and musicians only work until their 30s (Anon. 2007).
Yet, some people believe that if the retirement age for social security keeps moving backward, it will make room at the top for younger employees to move up the corporate ladder so they may bring fresh ideas for a sustaining the company in a global economy.
Second factor for the retirement age is the personal factors, such as the worker’s health, family situation, or personal aspirations. The most important personal factor is the worker’s health. Until the age of 60 to 65, people are probably experienced and will give a perfect performance. Besides, the physical condition of Indonesian people will decrease in the age about 65, and we can get sick more easily in this age. Other reasons that people are forced into retirement are mainly meeting the physical requirements of the job (Rincon 2007).
In conclusion, the retirement age is not only depends on one factor. It depend on the type of the job we do, it may take a longer time than usual if the job need a lot of experience. The condition of our physic is also important to decide when is the best time for us to retire, and the other factor which are related.
Anonim. 2007. Retirement. The Online Wikipedia. Retrieved May 4, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Leoi, Sim. 2008. Government extends civil servants’ retirement age to 60. 3 Stocks You Need To Retire Rich. Free Report. Retrieved May 4, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Rincon, Paul. 2007. Retirement age 'should reach 85' . BBC News Article. Retrieved May 4, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Andriani Oktadianti
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Super-skinny Models
London's Fashion Week has refused to follow suite, the organizers stating that it was a move that, not only violates the designers right to choose their models, but is also a place that they shouldn't be controlling.
It is fair to demand that when they see young women dying, starving themselves and looking like death beneath their make up, like several models who recently died, to stand up and speak their mind. Some models did, with much support from those in and out of the industry, but others need to take some responsibility, too. They have to make changes from within.
High School National Examination
The word “national examination” will always remind me of my experience last year. The teachers - especially the school master - bombarded us with reminders that we must work hard since I joint my third year class. The teachers even had regular meetings with our parents in order to “push” us to work harder and harder. At home I heard my father complain about how the school scared us. “They don’t really care about the students, they only care about the prestige of the school”, said my father. My world is shaped into extra-school lessons and try-outs. No time for fun!
Last year, the national examination was set only for three subjects: Bahasa Indonesia, mathematics, and English. The rest of curriculum’s exam conducted by each school. Since our competence will be only decided on those three subjects, we tend to focus our effort on those subjects. Other subjects are not that important for the total national exam score. We all know that competence of the students is not appropriate if only measured by the national exam score.
This year government changes its policy of high school examination. The subjects for national exam have increased from 3 to 6 subjects. The IPA students should also pass physics, biology and chemistry besides Bahasa Indonesia, mathematics, and English. I could not imagine how tense the students were.
From the news I also learn how strict the local government carries out the exam. Not only education employees being busy, but they also ask help from security personnel - especially national police - to guard the examination papers from the distribution center to each school. The police also present at the school-gate examining students ID card. The Jakarta Post (April 23, 2008, collum 1-2) report that the first day of three-day nationwide exams for senior high school and vocational students ran smoothly. But as we all read from newspapers, most of the students complains about how difficult it was, especially mathematics and physics. Some students were even so desperate so they cried.
With all this condition, I think that national school examination will more look like a terror for the students than a test how they mastered all the subjects during school days, not even an indicator of a complete competence as a high school graduate.
Concerning the Retirement Age
First, the elongated and fixed retirement age is appropriate to the governmental system. The work in the government such as civil state employee, police, and soldier in higher level require an experience from the past. The older someone has dedicated on a certain job, the more experience he or she had in his or her field and the more professional the work could be handled. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in the opening of the 26th Indonesian Doctor Association Congress stated that the age was the apex of the officer’s maturity, health, and wisdom (Wiguna 2006). Presumably until this age, the governmental staff will still have the physical competence and most importantly experience and knowledge of how the system goes, thus such performance is suited for governmental duties which requires great efficiency and precise planning. The extensive elongation of the retirement age is somehow a detrimenting matter because the physical condition of a person is decreasing and so reducing the efficiency. This is supported by the recent data on the Statistics Indonesia that shows the life expectancy of Indonesian people is about 65.5 years old (Anon. 2000). Although it is a relative number, we could presume that beyond the age of 65 years old, most people are starting to get diseased and then deceased.
Secondly, the elongated and fixed retirement age is increasing the productivity of work of the person. With increasing productivity of the staff, the more income of the government get. Logically, the more the time that someone spend to work on a job longer, the more contribution that person will give to the job and to the income of the state by paying taxes. But still the boundary of a productive age must be considered here due to the point on the previous paragraph. This elongated but fixed retirement age also make people spend their retirement age less thus reducing the government expenses to support them in their relaxed life in the retirement. In USA, for comparison, where many people are retiring at a very early age the elongation of retirement age is proposed to increase the Social Security revenues (Weller 2000). Not to mention it is also supporting the staff to be remain ever productive as they still have responsibilities to fund their family’s life, children’s education, health expenses, housing expenses, etc. Putting a stop too early would also mean hardening the burden of their life, while actually they can still have contribution to their government and family.
Life Expectancy. Statistics Indonesia home page. Retrieved May 3, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Public Opinion. Kompas Cetak homepage. Retrieved May 3, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Retirement. The Online Wikipedia. Retrieved May 3, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Weller, Christian. (2000, September). Raising the Retirement Age. [Online Article]. Retrieved May 3, 2008 from the World Wide Web: /briefingpapers_ raisingretirement_ raisingretirement
Wiguna, Oktamandjaya. (2006, November 24). President Recommend the Raise of Civil State Employees’ Retirement Age. TEMPO Interaktif home page. Retrieved May 3, 2008 from the World Wide Web:, 20061124-88389,id.html
Demi Tristan Djajadi - 16107081
Appropriate Retirement Age
First, the advantage of retire at age 62 and full retirement age is has retirement benefits for life after. "In the United States, while most view 65 as normal retirement age, many retire before then, sometimes with condition causes such as job-loss, disability or wealth. However, the Old Age Survivors Insurance or OASI, better known as the Social Security system has age 62 as the earliest retirement age." (Social Security homepage.
To conclude, the appropriate retirement age for retirement benefits is between age 62 and full retirement age. But for some special cases including skill of a person has when he or she got older, dangerous kind of job, and health condition, the retirement age is depended on the situation it in. Retirement age could be longer or even earlier than usual. So, the appopriate retirement age is different for each person, based on the situation, kind of job and decision they choose.
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Florilegium Urbanum. Retirement homepage. [Online article]. Retrieved May 2, 2008 from
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