Retirement age is different from country to country. The idea of fixed retirement age is being introduced in 19th and 20th century. Before that, there were no limit for workers to work, they usually do the job until death (Anon. The age is varies, but it is in range 55-70.
In Indonesia, there are three groups that classified employees (pegawai negeri sipil, in Indonesian) to his retirement age. Group I, retired at 65 for dean, researchers, and scientist (there is a term in Indonesian for this group, it is pangkat eselon I). Group II ( II), retired at 60 for lecturer, teacher, and sometimes scientist too. Last group, group III (it is for pangkat eselon III and IV), retired at 55 for common staff (Amirudin. That rule still available in 2005, until a year after, Indonesian's president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono claimed that retirement age for group III is raised 5 years, which become 60. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that it's a pity to retire the employee in 55. He thought in 55-60, somebody in that age is in the peak of maturity, wisdom, and lots of experiences. Raising the retirement age means increasing the quality of life in Indonesia, where its people have hope to life. The president said he is going to increase "the number of life-hoping" from 66 to 70, so at age 60, somebody still in a good condition.
Besides, at 55, some people are still enjoying their job and do it nicely (Wiguna. In other case, people at 55 whose child still in school or in college, need money for pay the school. So, it is quite wise to raising the retirement age of employee.
What happens in one country is diferrent from others. While in Indonesia retirement age is in range 60-65, In United States, it is fixed 65 for retirement age and 62 for its earliest retirement age. In France, retirement age for teachers is thirty eight years after employment and age 50 for train engineers in its national railways. In India, retirement age is enhanced from 58 to 60 for public sector employees. In Malaysia, the retirement age is recently been raised from 55 to 56 (Anon. Retirement also include it supports fund and it's varies from country to country. Using that fund (also called pension), people who has retired can support his family or for support his own life.
However, retirement age listed above is commonly for employees. Politicians, lawyers, some scientists, television anchors, and professors still work at their 70. It may be considered for their research, wisdom, and knowledge they have is still used and lot of advantages if they still working. While actors, athletes, musicians, and models retire at their 30s. It is because they work with their body and the body has a limit for active, being in a very good condition for do somekind like catwalk, backhand force, running, standing, and many more that is done by those who retire at 30s. The conclusion is, in my opinion, retirement age is depending by its job, what kind of job that somebody does. It is quite wise to let people still work as long as that people do something related to his job that useful for mankind.
Retirement. (2008, May 13) [Online article]. Retrieved May 14, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Amirudin. (2005, April 28). Usia Pensiun PNS. [Online article]. Retrieved May 14, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
Wiguna, Oktamandjaya. (2006, November 24). Menaikkan Usia Produktif Hingga 60 Tahun. [Online article]. Retrieved May 14, 2008 from the World Wide Web:
hawa firdausi. 16107072.