Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Appropriate Retirement Age

There is no international agreement about retirement age. It makes the retirement age varies from country to country. In many countries, the average of retirement age generally between 55 and 70. In my opinion, people should be encouraged in paid employment until they reach their limit of productivity, depends on their occupation.

There are several reasons why retirement age should be considered depends the occupation. Someone whose occupation needs much physical power should retire earlier than others whose occupation is only sitting in the office. A member of military forces should retire on 50, because people will reach their limit of body flexibility at 50 years old (Smith, Stew. Beside that, the military members also need much physical power when they are on duty. At the other side, occupation which uses brain more than muscle, like official, could retire at the age more than 50. Based on research, brain will continue adjusting itself even in old age in response to new learning and experiences ( So, there is no problem about brain using in old age.

Some people say that age will influence the attitude of someone. People above 50 years old are not capable in some “brainy occupation”, they must retire on 50. People whose age is above 50 should not govern or lead a company, because people who above 50 years old will think about their family very much then makes them try to get money as much as possible for the wealth of the family. This leads to corruption. A research has ever proved the correlation between age and corruption ( Beside that, determining a brave decision is also difficult for people above 50 years old.

Yet, some people also can retire on their young age. People with a very good financial that can support their entire life, can retire younger than 50 years old. A financial freedom makes someone is able to get money without working (Kiyosaki, Robert T. 2003:52).

In conclusion, the retirement age should be considered depends on the condition of someone, the situation, and the occupation. Every organization must be regenerated to keeps it running. The older must retire and gives chance to the younger one.


Kiyosaki, Robert T. (2003). Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich. Jakarta : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Smith, Stew. (2008, May 25). Staying Fit At Any Age. [Online article]. Retrieved May 25, 2008 from the World Wide Web:

United States Department of Agriculture : Agricultural Research Service. News and Events page. (2007, November/December) [Online Article]. Retrieved May 25, 2008 from the World Wide Web:

Springer Link Journal Article. Age and Corruption. (2006, August) [Online Article]. Retrieved May 25, 2008 from the World Wide Web:

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