Monday, April 21, 2008

Indonesia's culture

Several years ago, we lost two kind of our culture, Reog Ponorogo and Angklung. They have been taken by other country, even the countries have made their right of our culture. From my point of view, it wouldn’t be happened if Indonesian citizenship showing their care about the tragedy that already happened. At least, respecting and knowing our culture shows that we do taking care and looking out four our culture’s conservation.

Indonesia is a country which has many interesting culture to enjoy. Its location that spread out from Sabang until Merauke has an impact to Indonesia’s rich culture. The dances, traditional music instrument, and several kinds of custom ceremony are some variation of arts that reflect Indonesia’s custom tradition. Indonesia’s culture is truly as an identity of Indonesia inhabitant.

Culture is a spot where we can explore our talent and sense of belonging of our country. Some of people maybe know not if a culture can be one of a way out from a common problem that we’re facing now, a nation’s dissension. By learning one kind of art from our culture, unconsciously, we will blowing up our deeply feeling to our country, Indonesia.

Finally, we know that we could show our love sensation of Indonesia by loving its culture first. On the other hand, we also indirectly rescuing our interesting culture and our unity. So, keeping Indonesia’s culture isn’t useful only for ourselves, but also for the sake of our country. And we can start it by our movement first.

Laksmi Larastiti-16107059

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