Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Waning of IQ

The title above quoted from the book written by David Brooks in 2007. He wrote that there is a new consideration which bring us back to history, literature, humanity, and even to individual speciality. IQ, which stands up for Intelligence Quotient, is no longer being an indicator for judge people intelligence because there are other intelligences which common people may not consider those are exist. Someone with high IQ has no problem with his grade, he always get the first rank or the highest grade of exam in whatever class he attended. But sometimes, it is proven that he cannot get success in his career or even failed. In a career world--and also in the entire life--IQ is not the only one inteligence people should have. Howard Gardner wrote in his book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence, that there are seven kind of intelligences.

First, lingustic intelligence. People with this intelligence able to make a coherence sentences or remarkable speech from chosen words. They can understand the complexity that words build. Writer, poetry, journalist, author, and an orator have a high level of this intelligence. Second, logical-mathematical intelligence. This intelligence is most common measured as 'intelligence'. The abilities are abstract pattern recognition, scientific thinking, and perform complex calculations. Scientist, mathematicians, and economist are good example of this intelligence. Third, musical intelligence. Those with high level of this intelligence display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music. They are also able to sing, play musical instrument, and compose music. Instrumentalist, singer, conductor, and composers are absolutely have this intelligence. Fourth, spatial intelligence. People with strong spatial intelligence are tipically very good at visualizing and manipulating objects. They are artists, architects, and engineers who great at understand picture and recreate it. Fifth, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. People with high level of this intelligence enjoy with their body movement and learn best by physically doing something. Actors, dancers, and athletes show this intelligence. Sixth, interpersonal intelligence. This intelligence is characterized by sensivity other's mood, feelings, temperaments, and motivations. People with this intelligence enjoy work with others and debate, those are politicians, diplomats, and good teachers. Seventh, intrapersonal intelligence. People with high level of this intelligence understand theirself well. They know exactly their own emotions, goals, and motivations. Philosophers and psychologists show this intelligence.

Naturalistic intelligence lately said by Howard Gardner as eighth intelligence. This make someone able to recognizing and classifying species. Charles Darwin, our great naturalist, is a good example who has high level of this intelligence. From the evidences above, we know that human has complex intelligences and IQ is not stand alone to judge someone clever or not. As David Brooks wrote in his book, IQ is like a blackbox in an airplane. It can measure something, but we don't know for sure what it is. It is true that IQ is important, but it is not everything. Human multiple intelligences show that each person is unique and has their own way to express their intelligences.

hawa firdausi. 16107072.

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