Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Dangerous of Television

Television is one of the greatest inventions of all time. That is why it has become a part of life for millions of people. As time goes by, people are more more addicted to television. As other gadgets do, television has it's good and bad effects to the viewer. Television served many choices of programs, such as news, drama, cartoon, and others. This has made television is watched by every family. Unfortunately, television can cause many dangerous effects for the viewer, especially families who watch television constantly everyday.

Science has shown that too much sedentary behavior -and especially television watching- puts people at higher risk for obesity and diabetes, a new study reports. Writing last week in The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers calculated that for every two hours a day spent watching television, there is a 23 percent increase in obesity and a 14 percent increase in the risk of type 2 diabetes. People watching TV have a lower metabolic rate than people engaged in other activities like reading or playing board games, he said. Perhaps more significant, the study said, they are more likely to be eating as they watch.

The real dangers of television are that it is addictive and that it tends to stop social interaction in the home.Human beings are social creatures, and often evenings are a time for relaxation and sharing with friends and family. If an entire family is staring mindlessly at the television screen, the members are not communicating. They are together, yes, but physical proximity is not a substitute for conversation and stimulating dialog. Try this simple experiment. Keep the television set turned off and get a group of people together in the room where the television set is. Those people will start talking and interacting. Now turn the television on. You will soon find that the talking stops and people start watching the television, regardless of what is being telecast.

In conclusion, television is an addictive, non interactive media. It stops people doing other, far healthier, more life enhancing things. Activities such as exercise classes, continuing education, and even playing video games or chatting online require more energy and social skills than watching television.

1 comment:

ADmin said...

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